Thursday, August 1

Life's Good.

There are two phrases I consider my little life mottos-- phrases I can always come running back to for comfort:
"Better safe than sorry."
"Stop worrying about things you can't control."
I don't always remember to tell myself these things but when I do, boy do I come back down to earth. Goes to show just how much I had floated up...
[Francisco is quite the bugger. Ripping up my journal and attacking my hair nest.]

I had my purse stolen a few weeks ago. 
Mark and I had a super relaxing and hot day tanning at the beach-- came back to a car with a broken window and stolen purse. Serious bummer. I always get this huge nagging guilt when I let myself down. It's different than disappointing someone I care about-- it's the most depressing feeling knowing I made a mistake that affected me so greatly-- let myself down. It's all been resolved now, but going through the process that day and the few after was just gloomy. Every time the police called with updates I'd just sink in them feels again. I don't know why but I just had trouble coming to terms with the fact that there are such scumbags out there that could do such a thing, but I finally did and it was a well learned lesson. Not only that, I also felt paranoid and responsible for the whole situation; leaving a purse in a car, pshh, and Mark's destroyed window.

[phone camera warning]

It's funny, because you'd think I would've learned when just a few weeks before I made the mistake of leaving my purse by a bonfire with drunk friends. They then left our site unattended to go skinnydip or something or other and we had our stuff ransacked-- things thrown all over the sand and into the fire; my purse gone (a different one, just to clarify) but all the contents intact. It was a creepy walk from the beach to the pier, but we were determined to look at some barking seals in the middle of the night.

It doesn't matter how much I remind myself of my little mottos, I cannot push myself out of that feeling-sorry-for-yourself funk. All I do is wait it out. Then I see how ridiculous it is to waste time sulking by just waiting for time to pass. It's like telling yourself "don't think about elephants." And then there you are. Can't be just time that heals things, it helps, but ultimately you have to kick your own butt up. That and Mark is the most supportive man I could ask for. Just going to take a sec to thank you because you're just too wonderful you damn sweet tiger you, thank you.

Anyway, I exaggerate. It finally clicked when I realized these were just materials. I just saw this photo on Reddit, titled "life is good" that initiated that click. I have two good legs and a nicely beating heart. Suddenly I was plenty grateful for that. I'm doing well and few physical possessions don't define or change me. I'm going to subtly try to wedge in a new life motto-- always be ready to part with physical possessions. A phone, wallet, car; none of that is life defining and I want to always be okay with or without any of those things as long as I've love and health. [/cheesefest]

Bringing in herbs to every corner of the house. We have a mint invasion all over our backyard. Our tomatoes are growing! I woke up one gloomy morning, weather wise and mentally, and stepped out for fresh air only to find these little guys up and lively. Made my day. The power of gardening; no better therapy.
Besides such a hiccup, summer has been so sweet and mellow. This year so far has been plenty bright and new to me. I haven't been trying to but I've changed a whole lot just this year, specifically with food-- I've learned to respect and know what I eat which has made a tremendous change in how I feel day-to-day. It's crazy amazing what changes your body can experience from just watching what you eat-- imagine that. A big deal for a person like moi who eats entire bags of hot cheetos with lime and Nutella-loaded crepes. Mark's also opened me up to try different foods [because contrary to the previous sentence, I can't handle spicy foods. No joke]. I'm a brat when it comes to eating and I kind of admit it. Slowly but surely I'm making progress. Mostly I'm just proud of myself because I didn't make any resolutions at the beginning of the year nor am I pushing myself to make changes either; it's just coming around naturally and I'm kind of embracing it. I've always said, I'm a creature of habit so... big deal for Terri.

Our 4th of july burger feast!
Mark had his first 4th of July off in years! He got himself an awesome internship this summer, soups proud of his hard work.
We attempted to watch the fireworks from the roof... but my prissy-butt wasn't having it. I was so scared, I was practically in tears. Seriously, I'm a land mammal. Got no business climbing or swimming in anything [though I do wish I could learn]. I just lack the guts for these things.

Welp. Here comes August and I'm hoping my weird seasonal-clock doesn't kick in. Normally August throws me into a Fall kind of mood and summer is over for me. But it isn't yet! Summer officially ends... sometimes in August, I think. But these cloudy Californian central coast mornings definitely don't help. I'm hoping the weather warms up again before I break out the Autumn inspirations. Plenty of swimming and tanning left to do.

Anyway, life's good.

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